Welcome to Our New Home on the Web!
We are an online group of Free Republicans residing throughout California. We'd like to invite you to join with us. Most of us are unable to participate in a regular chapter due to time or distance. We have no physical meeting place,geographic location or formal leadership. But we want to do whatever we can to restore a Conservative Agenda to our Free Republic. We've joined together to network from our homes utilizing computers, email, telephones, faxes and snail mail to get the message out to our National, State and Local representatives. We want to make a difference. We participate in signing and forwarding online petitons, polls and contacting commercial sponsors of the Liberal News Media which we have determined is biased and opposed to getting out the Truth.
We have set up an online gathering place to discuss ideas, activism and suggestions and to coordinate action and activities. We've put in many useful tools to go about this. Please be discreet when you refer people to this site. PLEASE DO NOT SPAM govt. officials or others using the URL of this Website or our NAME. Each of us has talents and abilities that can be utilized to achieve our goal as we work together. Your ideas, suggestions and cooperation for improving and adding to efficiency our group is encouraged and needed.
Our Member's online meeting room is password protected in order to ensure privacy and avoid intrusions by non-group members. You may go directly to the meetingroom by using the URL and the password you will be provided in the Welcome Message when you request information.
We have lots of work to accomplish in the next few months in order to restore California
Please Check the Member's Meeting Room daily for Important Messages, Alerts and Events.
Many FREE services are offered on the Internet. This website is an example. But it and the other FREE services we utilize require that Banners and commercial offers appear here! It's called the FREE Enterprise System and it works. Let's take advantage of their generosity and be grateful that we have it!